Welcome to Central Penn Music
Your Family Friendly, Full-Service Music School
We are the ideal choice for families and schools looking for music-related services. We specialize in sales, rentals, and instrument repair services. Our experts
possess extensive knowledge and skills with over 60 years of experience in the music profession. We offer top-quality products at competitive prices, private music lessons, expert instructors and an on-site repair facility that ensures prompt service. In addition, our school service representatives visit schools weekly to cater to their needs. We take pride in providing exceptional customer service to our valued students, parents, and school music programs. Our primary objective is to ensure that every interaction with our team is a positive and helpful experience. We are committed to going above and beyond to meet the needs of our customers and exceed expectations!
We Make Renting Easy!
Free Month
Pay the first month and get the second month FREE!
No minimum commitment or hidden fees
Mantenimiento gratuito
Reparación y reemplazo (MRR)
Todas las reparaciones normales, incluidos los reemplazos de cuerdas y boquillas, son gratuitas durante el alquiler.
¡Ahora se incluye cobertura gratuita de reemplazo de instrumentos !
¡No hay costo extra por este servicio!
Sin verificación de crédito
El único requisito es una tarjeta de débito o crédito válida a su nombre. Los pagos iniciales y futuros se cargarán a la tarjeta registrada. Toda la información está protegida y cifrada para su protección.
Opciones de entrega
Entrega gratuita a las escuelas a las que prestamos servicio
Recogida en tienda
La entrega a domicilio ahora está disponible por una pequeña tarifa.